Кори из волчонка инстаграм

Кори – второстепенный персонаж из сериала “Волчонок”, его роль играет Майкл Джонстон.

Он, очевидно, происходит из небрежного дома, потому что сказал Мейсону, что его родители едва замечают и даже не знали, что он был мертв. Химера-хамелеон.

Сезон 5[править | править код]

Он встречался с Лукасом и был тяжело ранен, когда Лукас начал показывать свою сторону Скорпиона. Скотт забрал боль. (Терминальное состояние)

Мейсон сталкивается с ним в школе и позже замечает, что рана чудесным образом зажила, что привело Мейсона к выводу, что Кори тоже Химера. (Странные частоты)

Скотт извлек воспоминания кори в надежде обнаружить логово Ужасных Докторов. (Уроборос)

Кори стал намного сильнее как раз перед тем, как начал истекать ртутью. Он пытается убежать, но убит хирургом. (Ложь упущения)

Тео вернул его к жизни как часть стаи. (Астматический статус)

В отличие от других Химер, Кори не хочет бороться и хочет нормальной жизни. Тео использует угрозы, чтобы заставить его бороться со Скоттом с небольшим успехом. (Проклятие памяти)

Он и Мейсон обсуждают, все ли хорошие или плохие парни, и показывает, что он заботится только о том, чтобы быть живым. В конце концов они поцеловать. (Кодоминирование)

Его лицо не показано, но замечено сидящим на полу после захвата оборотня Девкалиона. (Меч и дух)

Он подслушавает Малию и Киру, когда они обсуждают план Скотта проникнуть в дом Айкена за Лидией.(Усиление)

Он сильно обожжен Перришем, но Малия спасает его, забирая его боль. (Лжеспособности)

Когда он готовится покинуть Бейкон Хиллс, Мейсон убеждает его остаться, и они помогают искать подсказки о том, кто может быть зверем. (Реальная угроза)

За пределами школы он делает себя видимым, услышав, как Скотт обвиняет Мейсона в том, что он зверь, он хватает Мейсона и снова становится невидимым. (Жеводанская Дева)

Кори взял Мейсона в туннели, чтобы защитить его от Скотта. Однако он не объясняет ужасных докторов, которые скоро появляются. Он и Мейсон пытаются убежать, но они были захвачены. (Зверь в Бейкон Хиллс)

Кори появляется после того, как Мейсон спасен от Себастьяна и обнимает его и позже замечен в библиотеке средней школы с ним. (Апофеоз)

Сезон 6[править | править код]

Кори становится невидимым, чтобы” одолжить ” компас Дугласа, чтобы Лиам и Мейсон могли исследовать странные показания. (Потеря памяти)

Кори прячется в школе, когда Дикая Охота приближаются, предупреждая Мейсона об их прибытии, поскольку он тайно наблюдает, в то время как они заставляют кого-то исчезнуть. (Суперпозиция)

Кори не может отделаться от мысли, что они что-то забыли, пока он готовится к худшему. Когда призрачные всадники прибывают, он и Гвен-единственные, кто может видеть их. В то время как замаскированный, он хватает Всадника, когда он проходит, делая их обоих видимыми для всех. (Спутанность)

Найдя Лиама в раздевалке, Кори предлагает, чтобы они ушли, поскольку ночь закончилась. Лиам объявляет, что планирует поймать одного из Дикой Охоты, но Кори не верит. (Реликвии)

Кори спрашивает Дугласа, что он делает в заповеднике, он говорит, что это то, что он давно хотел сделать. Затем обматывает хлыстом шею Кори, пока тот не исчезает в облаке зеленого дыма. (Бессердечный)

Кори присоединен ко многим проводам и действует как связь к слиянию лимба Дикой Охоты с Бейкон Хиллс. Как только провода вынимаются, горожане возвращаются, и остатки Всадников исчезают. (Оседлавшие шторм)

У Кори был неловкий обмен мнениями с советником руководства, Таморой, во время старшей регистрации. Одно упоминание о невидимости вызывало у него тревогу. (Сказал паук мухе)

После неудачного выступления во вратарской, Кори и Мейсон пошли искать Лиама, надеясь, что он присоединится к ним в изучении их предстоящего теста по истории, но они находят тело без кожи в душе. (Талант)

Кори и Мейсон присоединились к Нолану в библиотеке. Он вонзил Кори в руку ручку, которую тут же вылечил на глазах у целой библиотеки студентов. (Исходный вид записи)

Будучи невидимым, Кори слушает дискуссию Нолана и Гейба, чтобы разоблачить Лиама перед школой. Кори передает эту информацию Лиаму и Мейсону. (Лицом к безликому)

Кори помогает выяснить, что существо, вызывающее проблемы, является Анук-итом и искренне прощается с Мейсоном, когда он решает покинуть город. (Тест на прочность)

Он и Мейсон направляются в больницу, чтобы увидеть то, что обнаружил Лиам, только чтобы обнаружить, что они могут быть приманкой для ловушки охотника. (Разбитое стекло)

Мейсон и Кори прячутся в пустой комнате, в то время как охотники обыскивают больницу. Он и Мейсон делятся своими чувствами и поцелуем, прежде чем замаскироваться и незаметно передвигаться по больнице. (Волки войны)

Отношения[править | править код]

Кори – открытый гей, не скрывая своих отношений, встречается с парнями и может целоваться с ними даже в классе при людях.

  • Лукас – первый известный парень Кори.
  • Мейсон – встречается с ним до сих пор. Очень крепкие любовные и дружеские отношения.
  • Лиам – сперва Лиам недолюбливал Кори, т.к тот является химерой и был на стороне Тео. Но вскоре всё-таки простил его и подружился с Кори. А сам Кори проявляет симпатии к Лиаму, но этот не отвечает взаимностью.
  • Скотт – Кори относится к Скотту как к лидеру и прислушивается его.

Способности[править | править код]

  • Как и другие Химеры, он обладает повышенной силой и целебностью, а также иммунитетом к рябине.
  • Когда он исчезает, он может видеть других существ, которые невидимы, как Дикая Охота, и может сделать их видимыми с прикосновением.

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Corey Bryant is a student at Beacon Hills High School and a chimera who has the ability to become invisible like a chameleon.

He apparently comes from a neglectful home because has told Mason that his parents hardly notice and didn’t even know he was dead.

He is portrayed by Michael Johnston.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Like other chimeras, he possesses enhanced strength and healing, and the immunity to Mountain Ash.

Corey’s ability to turn invisible is expanded in Season 6. When he disappears, he can see other beings who are invisible to like the Ghost Riders and is able to make them visible with a touch.

Garrett Douglas uses his ability to link him in between the real world and the Ghost Riders world so the they could merge.

EDITOR’S NOTE: While it can be argued he steps into another dimension, whether this means he is part Ghost Rider or a creature related to the Wild Hunt is unknown.

Season 5[edit | edit source]

He was dating Lucas and was badly injured when Lucas began exhibiting his scorpion side. Scott McCall took away the pain. (Read More…)

Mason runs into him at school and later notices the injury miraculously healed leading Mason to conclude that Corey too is a chimera. (Read More…)

Scott extracted Corey’s memories in hopes of discovering the Dread Doctors’ lair. (Read More…)

Corey became much stronger just before he began to bleed mercury. He tries to escape but is killed by The Surgeon. (Read More…)

Theo brought him back to life as part of his pack. (Read More…)

In the future, he breaks into Eichen House with the rest of the chimera pack. (Read More…)

Unlike the other chimeras, Corey doesn’t want to fight and wants a normal life. Theo uses threats to get him to fight Scott with little success. (Read More…)

He and Mason discuss whether everyone is a good guy or bad guy and reveals he only cares about being alive. The two boys eventually kiss. (Read More…)

His face is not shown, but is seen sitting on floor in the aftermath of capturing the werewolf Deucalion. (Read More…)

He listens in on Malia and Kira as they discuss Scott’s plan to break into Eichen House for Lydia Martin. (Read More…)

He is severely burned by Parrish, but he is saved by Malia by taking his pain away. (Read More…)

As he prepares to leave Beacon Hills, Mason convinces him to stay and they help search for clues as to who the Beast could be. (Read More…)

Outside the school, he makes himself visible after hearing Scott accuse Mason of being The Beast, he grabs Mason and turns invisible again. (Read More…)

Corey has taken Mason to the tunnels in order to keep him safe from Scott. However, he does not account for the Dread Doctors who soon show up. He and Mason attempt to escape but they are soon captured. (Read More…)

Corey appears after Mason is saved from Sebastien and embraces him and later is seen in the library of the high school with him. (Read More…)

Season 6[edit | edit source]

Corey goes invisible in order to “borrow” Mr. Douglas’ compass so Liam and Mason can investigate strange readings.(Read More…)

Corey hides in the school as the Ghost Riders approach, warning Mason of their arrival as he secretly watches while they make someone vanish. (Read More…)

Corey can’t help thinking they forgot something as he prepares of the worst. When the Ghost Riders arrive, he and Gwen are the only two who can see them. While camouflaged, he grabs the Rider as it passes, making them both visible to everyone. (Read More…)

After finding Liam in the locker room, Corey suggests that they leave as the night is over. Liam announces that he plans on catching one of the Ghost Riders but Corey is in disbelief. (Read More…)

Corey asks Mr. Douglas what he’s doing in the preserve, he say it’s something he’s wanted to do for a long time. Then wrapping the whip around Corey’s neck until he disappears in a cloud of green smoke. (Read More…)

Corey is attached to many wires and acts as the link to merging the Ghost Rider’s limbo with Beacon Hills. Once the wires are taken out, the townspeople are returned and remnants of the Riders disappear. (Read More…)

Corey had an awkward exchange with the guidance councilor, Tamora Monroe, during senior registration. The mere mention of invisibility left him anxious. (Read More…)

Following a poorly a poor performance at goalie, Corey and Mason went looking for Liam, hoping he would join them in studying for their upcoming history test but they find a skinless body in the showers. (Read More…)

Corey and Mason were joined by Nolan in the library. Nolan stabbed Corey in the hand with a pen, which he immediately healed from in front of an entire library of students. (Read More…)

While invisible, Corey listens in on Nolan and Gabe’s discussion to expose Liam in front of the school. Corey relays this information to Liam and Mason. (Read More…)

Corey helps find out the creature causing problems is an Anuk-Ite and bids a heartfelt farewell to Mason when he decides to leave Beacon Hills. (Read More…)

He and Mason head to the hospital to see what Liam discovered only to find that they might be bait for the Hunter’s trap. (Read More…)

Mason and Corey hide in a vacant room while the hunters search the hospital. He and Mason share their feelings and a kiss before camouflaging, and moving about the hospital undetected. (Read More…)

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • We were just kissing and then I felt this sharp sting in my arm and then I looked up at him, and I swear his eyes turned black.” — Corey to Scott and Kira in Condition Terminal
  • How strong am I suppose to get?” — Corey to Mason in Lies of Omission
  • That’s what none of you get, there aren’t going to be any good guys or bad guys, its either going to be dead or alive. I want to be alive.” — Corey to Mason in Codominance
  • They barely noticed when I died the first time. Look at this, this is life in Beacon Hills, this is what happens. It doesn’t hurt, its just taking forever to heal.” — Corey to Mason in A Credible Threat
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Mason: “What happened to taking the fight to them?”
Corey: “The fight included automatic weapons. We can’t protect anyone if we’re dead.”
Mason: “But if you leave now, you’ll be handing Beacon Hills over to the Hunters.”
Corey: “We don’t have a choice.”
Mason: “Says who?”
Corey: “Scott. Stilinski. Everyone.”
Mason: “Okay, fine. Then let me go with you. I can figure things out. I can protect you.”
Corey: “This time, let me protect you.”

Corey Bryant is a supporting character in Season 5 and Season 6 of Teen Wolf. He was first introduced as a high school student who was admitted to Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital after suffering what appeared to be a large scorpion sting on his arm. However, after he was questioned by Melissa McCall, Scott McCall, and Kira Yukimura, it was revealed that Corey had actually been stung by a fellow student he had been dating named Lucas, who they discovered had recently been turned into a Werewolf-Scorpion Chimera by the Dread Doctors. A few days later, Corey became alarmed by the fact that his scorpion wound healed completely without so much as a scar, and after talking to Mason Hewitt, it was revealed that Corey, too, had been turned into a Chimera just like Lucas.

His healing ability was confirmed once again when Scott pierced the back of his neck with his claws to search his memories for the location of the Dread Doctors’ laboratory and the wounds vanished within moments. After that, more of Corey’s supernatural abilities began to emerge as well, such as super strength and the ability to camouflage his body as to appear imperceptible, much like the myth of the chameleon. Once he began bleeding and vomiting modified mercury in Lies of Omission, the Dread Doctors declared him to be a failed experiment, and The Surgeon killed him by stabbing him in the heart with his sword-cane. Shortly afterward, his body was stolen by Jordan Parrish when he was in a Hellhound-trance and brought to the Nemeton, where it was partially burned by Jordan’s pyrokinetic abilities.

In Status Asthmaticus, Corey was among the four Chimeras resurrected by Theo Raeken using the Dread Doctors’ green serum, including Hayden Romero, Tracy Stewart, and Josh Diaz, who Theo immediately recruited to a new pack of his own creation. However, the identity of the supernatural creatures that the Dread Doctors used to turn Corey into a Chimera still remains unknown at this time. After his resurrection, Corey did as he was asked by Theo and joined the newly-formed Chimera Pack, of which Theo was its self-proclaimed “Alpha.” However, though all of the Chimeras who came back to life experienced side effects that made their personalities darker, Corey still retained much of his originally gentle and compassionate personality than the others, which made him conflicted about his role in the pack, though he ultimately stayed with them out of a desire to stay alive after his life was threatened by Theo.

However, after Corey was badly burned by Jordan Parrish’s Hellhound-fire while the Chimeras attempted to capture Lydia Martin and break her out of Eichen House, Corey began to realize that Theo only saw his “Betas” as pawns to get the Beast of Gevaudan’s power and was not as concerned about saving the town as he made it sound. This revelation combined with Corey’s growing romantic relationship with Mason Hewitt led Corey to start to drift away from the Chimera Pack and instead become more of a McCall Pack ally like Mason himself. After the defeat of the Beast and Theo being dragged underground by his revenant sister, the Chimera Pack apparently disbanded as a result of the deaths of Tracy and Josh, as well as Hayden becoming a fully-fledged McCall Pack member due to being bitten and turned into a true Werewolf by Scott. With the dissolution of the Chimera Pack, Corey appears to now be a true ally to the McCall Pack.

Corey was a member of the Chimera Pack and is currently a member of the McCall Pack. He is also currently in a relationship with Mason Hewitt.

Early life[edit | edit source]

Almost nothing is known about Corey’s life prior to his introduction in the series. He was born to two yet-unnamed parents who seem to have neglected Corey for most of his life, as he has remarked on several occasions that they barely noticed his absence during the period of his temporary death between Lies of Omission and Status Asthmaticus. (“Damnatio Memoriae”), (“A Credible Threat”) He also seems to have come out as gay at some point in his youth and adolescence, as he was a constant fixture at Sinema, an LGBT+ friendly club, and did not seem to be hiding his sexuality from anyone. (“Condition Terminal”)

Additionally, due to the fact that he was chosen as a test subject by the Dread Doctors, he had to have acquired genetic chimerism as a result of an organ or tissue transplant at some point in his life, which was necessary to become a pseudo-supernatural Chimera. (“Ouroboros”)

Throughout Teen Wolf[edit | edit source]

In Condition Terminal, Corey was rushed to Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital after suffering a severe injury to his left arm that was so painful his screams could be heard throughout the building. Melissa McCall and Dr. Geyer wasted no time rushing into his room to see what was going on, and they were horrified to find that his entire forearm seemed to be producing a thick brown pus that was covering what appeared to be a large burn.

Realizing that this was likely a supernatural problem, Melissa called her son Scott and his girlfriend Kira to the hospital to see what they thought about his condition, explaining that he was given the maximum dosage of morphine and it barely touched him. They realized that it had something to do with the new hybrid creatures known as Chimeras that had been released upon Beacon Hills when Melissa discovered enough scorpion venom in Corey’s system that not only should he already be dead, but that the scorpion in question had to be ten feet tall to produce that amount.

Scott, feeling sorry for Corey, gently grasped the non-injured portions of his affected arm and used his Pain Absorption ability on him, causing Corey’s pain to be drawn into Scott in the form of brownish-black veins trailing up his arms, chest, and neck. Scott would have kept going, but when he began groaning in pain, Kira and Melissa forced him to stop, though this was enough to allow Corey to rest comfortably.

He woke up a short time later and informed them that the “scorpion” in question was a guy he was dating, Lucas, explaining that they had been taking things slow at Lucas’ request, but that all of a sudden, Lucas became more sexually aggressive and confident with him rather than shy and cautious. The two had been making out when, all of the sudden, Lucas’ eyes turned pure black, and he felt a stabbing sensation in his arm. Lucas then quickly apologized, told him he would see him tonight, and left in a hurry, and it wasn’t long after that Corey began experiencing the worst pain of his life.

When Scott asked where Corey was planning on meeting him, he replied that he and Lucas were regulars at a LGBT-friendly club called Sinema. As a result, Scott and Kira went to Sinema, joining Liam Dunbar, Mason Hewitt, and Brett Talbot, who had coincidentally already been there; though they were able to subdue Lucas before he could seriously attack anyone else, the Dread Doctors arrived and killed Lucas by shooting him in the chest with a retractable cross-bow bolt.

In Strange Frequencies, Corey ran into Mason in the library at Beacon Hills High School; Mason, realizing that they recognized each other, tried to avoid a conversation with him, but Corey called out to him anyway and prevented it. He went on to mention that he heard Mason was there when Lucas was killed before asking him if he said anything about Corey before he died, but Mason simply responded that he already told the police everything he knew, which wasn’t much.

Corey seemed disappointed and put the book he was looking at back on the shelf before walking away. Mason then noticed that the book he was reading was titled Miraculous Healing: True Stories of Impossible Medical Cures and frowned in suspicion.

That night, Corey returned to Sinema, where he seemed glum as he tried to get drunk. Mason ran into him a second time while there and approached him to ask if he was okay. Corey bitterly retorted that he was “Better than ever” as he took another gulp of his drink, and moments later tried to kiss Mason, who pulled away and remembered that his arm had been injured by Corey just a day earlier. Mason asked, “It healed, didn’t it?”, forcing Corey to reveal that his arm was indeed healed like it was never even injured, though he didn’t understand why, leading Mason to realize that he was a Chimera, too.

In Ouroboros, Corey is at Scott’s house talking to Mason and Lydia, they’re attempting to help him read the Dread Doctors novel. Corey apologizes as he’s having a hard time getting through it, but Scott rushes in saying they don’t have that kind of time, Scott inserts his claws into the back of Corey’s neck to look through his memories for the Dread Doctors Operating Theater. In Corey’s mind, Scott sees the Dread Doctors dragging him through the hospital and then through the underground tunnels, after Scott sees what he needed, the connection is broken, Corey, Lydia, Stiles and Theo stay behind as Scott, Mason and Malia go searching for Hayden and Liam. Corey becomes upset and tries to leave, but Theo attempts to convince him to stay, he lies to Corey, saying that Lydia is a Banshee and she can sense that Corey will die if he leaves out the door. Corey wants to take his chances and tries to leave, Theo thinks that Corey has to know more about their lair, Corey says that he remembers the hospital and the tunnels, he then remembers he was in a basement of an old house and there was a wall with a big hole in it he says it was “like a bomb went off.”

In Lies of Omission, as Corey attempts to open his locker, he accidentally breaks the combination lock off, Mason Hewitt sees this, pointing out how much more powerful Corey has gotten. They head towards the weight room to test out just how much stronger Corey has become, he bench presses over 360 pounds. He begins to wonder if he could be the Dread Doctors success, Mason doesn’t know, but he says that Scott might. However, Corey wants nothing to do with Scott, considering the last time they met Scott invaded his mind. Moments later, Corey is being carried out on a stretcher after he begins spewing mercury, Mason, Theo and Scott witness as he is taken away while screaming don’t let them get me, them referring to the Dread Doctors.

When Scott and Theo arrive at the hospital, it is in chaos, they realize that this is the doing of Corey and they spread out and search for them, however, Corey was camouflaged against the wall right behind them.He makes his way to the garage when he hears someone approaching, so he blends in with the ambulance next to him, as The Surgeon approaches, he draws a sharp blade from his cane and stabs Corey in the chest, killing him. His boy is found sometime later by Scott and Theo.

In Status Asthmaticus, Corey’s body is taken to the Nemeton by Jordan Parrish, who is in some kind of trance, his body is left with the rest of the dead chimeras. Corey is later resurrected by Theo, he used a green substance that he took from the tank that the Nazi Alpha Werewolf was being kept in. However, Corey wasn’t the only chimera that was brought back, Theo also saved Hayden, Josh and Tracy, Theo informs them that he’s their “Alpha”.

In The Last Chimera, the Theo’s pack invades Eichen House, as Josh and Tracy, and Theo enter through the doors, Corey makes himself visible as he was cloaked on the wall. Theo leads them down the hall to Lydia’s cell, they enter the cells, Josh makes a remark about Lydia’s appearance as she isn’t looking well, Corey explains that she has a hole in her head and that isn’t a good look for anyone.

In Damnatio Memoriae, Corey runs into Liam and Mason as he heads to the school library after volunteering to help clean it up. Mason awkwardly strikes up a conversation with Corey about his death and soon the following resurrection, Mason suggests that being brought back to life must have been difficult to explain to his parents but Corey says they didn’t pay much attention to him anyway. They’re more happy that they can sue the hospital, Corey then asks Mason on a date, to which he agrees. Once the cleaning of the library has wrapped up, Corey prepares to leave but then Theo enters the school, telling Corey that he doesn’t have to hide, Corey then make himself visible as he was camouflaged against the locker. He explains that he just wanted to do something nice, Theo says that he doesn’t have to be normal or nice, Corey says that he won’t hurt Liam or Mason.

Theo says that this is what he wants, in fact, they’re going to help them. Theo then requests that Corey comes with him as he knows that Corey doesn’t want to die again. Theo’s pack attacks Scott and Stiles in the tunnels, after dispatching of Josh and Tracy, Scott sense Corey camouflaged against the wall, Corey comes off the wall and is visibly terrified as Scott has fangs. He and Tracy then carry away Josh’ paralyzed body.

In Codominance, Corey is attending class, Mrs. Finch informs the students that they will be doing a group lab and they will be paired with the person directly behind them. Corey turns around a sees a female classmate, but her stool is slid out of view and Mason takes her space in order to be paired with Corey. Mrs. Finch is explaining that, in codominance, neither allele is recessive and that both phenotypes are expressed, she asks for an example and Corey says that people with AB blood types are an example of codominance. In the locker room, Corey asks Mason out again, but Mason denies his offer, explaining that Corey is with the bad guys, Corey attempts to reason with Mason, informing him that there aren’t any good or bad guys, just the living and the dead. Mason then reconsiders their date as he and Corey begin to kiss.

In Amplification, Corey and the rest of the Chimera Pack break into Eichen House. While his pack mates take out the guards outside, he has camouflaged on to the wall of the lobby of Eichen. Josh, Tracy and Theo enter the lobby and Corey makes himself visible. They approach the counter and demand to see Lydia Martin. The pack walks down the hall and as they prepare to take her, the Hellhound appears.

In Lie Ability, Corey is instructed by Theo to take out the hellhound, he’s hesitant due to Parrish being on fire. After Tracy and Josh are taken out by the unstoppable hellhound, Corey grabs his wrist but Parrish then burst into flames as a counter-attack, thus setting Corey on fire. Parrish proceeds to grab him by his neck and throw him down the hall into Stiles Stilinski. He is brought to the morgue by Josh where they find Malia and Kira, Josh is confused by what’s happening to Corey, Malia offers to take away his pain which could help him heal. Her initial assumption is correct, after taking away some of his pain, he begins to get better. Now they’re wondering how to get out, Malia tells him that Mason is working on plan B. After Plan B is complete, he and Josh leave.

In Maid of Gévaudan, Corey is outside with Scott and Liam; however, he’s invisible and they don’t know he’s there. When Scott accuses Mason of being The Beast of Gevaudan, Corey makes himself visible, he grabs Mason and runs off.

The Beast of Beacon Hills, Corey has taken Mason down into the tunnels in order to keep him safe. However, The Dread Doctors soon show up and they begin to run, they make it up to the street but they don’t get far. Corey becomes invisible and attempts to attach one of the doctors but he fails and is knocked on the ground as he watches the doctors take Mason. The next morning, he’s invisible listening in on the pack meeting being held at the McCall House, it’s unclear how long he was there but Scott noticed his presence almost immediately. Corey is sitting in the hallway at school, Hayden comes up from behind and approaches them.

In Apotheosis, Corey is invisible in the tunnels watching as Liam and Scott fight The Beast of Gevaudan. Then Lydia screams Mason’s name, the beast turns into pure black smoke and Mason steps out of the darkness. Corey makes himself visible and he embraces Mason. Later at school, he and Mason are in the library.

In Memory Lost, Corey is visibly attracted to the new Psychics teacher, Mr. Douglas, he mesmerizingly watches the teacher’s every move. Mason points out that his phone won’t geo-locate, meaning the compass isn’t pointing in the right direction, Mason says Mr. Douglas has a physical compass. Corey camouflages and steals it out the cabinet, they discover that it too is pointing in the wrong direction. Mason decide to follow the compass. Corey wonders where it may lead, Mason jokingly says they won’t know until they open the box, which is a reference to their current lesson, but Corey is clueless. The next day, he whispers something in Mason’s ear as they talk by the lockers.

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In Superposition, Corey follows the Ghost Riders as they enter the school. After saving Mason Corey’s touch allows him to see the Ghost Riders. Together they watch as they erase Jake Sullivan. After a confrontation in the locker room Corey and Liam decide on a truce to keep Mason happy. Together they find evidence of the Ghost Riders in the form of Jake Sullivan’s library card and proof that they are taking people.

In Sundowning, Corey doubts his abilities with Mason at a house party and they dance together. When a Ghost Rider shows up Corey touches him to show it’s position to Liam but he accidently reveals the Ghost Rider to the whole room and everyone will now be taken.

In Relics, Corey tries to stop the Ghost Riders from taking everyone but fails.

In Heartless, Corey helps them to trap a Ghost Rider. Mason reveals that he can see Corey even when he is invisible. After Mr. Douglas defeats the Ghost Rider he erases Corey using the whip.

In Riders on the Storm, Mason and Hayden are inside of the Wild Hunt and searching for Corey. They find Corey with wires connected inside of him and he is doing the announcements and in control of the merging of the worlds. Once the train is diverted Mason deteches the cables from Corey and takes him to the hospital to be cured. Melissa gives Corey the 9 herbs to cure Corey.

In Raw Talent, Corey plays on the Lacross field and Mason cheers him on, claiming that he has been training for the goal position all summer. After loosing on the field they meet Liam in the locker room where they find a facelss body.

In After Images, Corey and Mason set out to find what the faceless corpse is and where it came from. They enlist help from Lydia and learn the number 68 is important. After meeting Nolan in the library he stabs Corey with a pencil, drawning blood, Corey heals and Nolan proves that he is supernatural.

In Face-to-Faceless, Corey informs Liam that the Lacross team are going to try and make Liam turn in-front of everyone. After trying with Mason to get Liam out of the school by turning him and Liam invisible the players begin to beat Liam up. Corey watches helpless and he helps Liam up with Mason after Coach breaks up the fight.

In Pressure Test, Mason and Corey try to figure out what is causing the fear. They go to Deaton in order to collaborate. Together they worked out that the creature is an Anuk-Ite feeding off fear. Corey leaves Beacon Hills with the others but later reveals to Mason that he didn’t leave at all.

In Broken Glass, Corey and Mason share worries in the car before going to the hospital and realising that they’re bait.

In The Wolves of War, Corey and Mason share a kiss before they fight hunters at the hospital. Liam, Theo and Melissa show up to help them take back the hospital.

Personality[edit | edit source]

In Corey’s brief time on the series, he has been shown as a relatively shy, hesitant, and nervous person. However, his transformation into a Chimera helped Corey become a more confident and less self-conscious person, as evidenced by his straight-forwardness when asking Mason Hewitt out on a date. Despite this increased confidence and supernaturally-enhanced strength, Corey still finds difficulty in being brave in the face of danger, due in part to his fear of dying again, and is reluctant to actively fight in battles, such as Theo’s test of his pack’s strength by siccing Corey, Josh, and Tracy on Scott McCall, or when he was ordered to fight against the Hellhound Jordan Parrish in Eichen House. This aspect of his personality was often viewed as cowardice by his more vicious packmates such as Theo and Tracy.

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As a result of this fear of confrontation and lack of confidence in his fighting abilities, Corey prefers to use his powers in a more covert manner, often camouflaging himself with his surroundings so he can spy on others and gain information without anyone else knowing he’s there. He has demonstrated this skill on several occasions, such as when he hid from Scott and Theo at the hospital, when he eavesdropped on Malia and Kira’s conversation at the high school, when he hid himself and Mason from being discovered on the Devenford Prep bus and from being caught by Scott and Liam, and when he hid in the McCall House to listen to the McCall Pack discuss their plans to save Mason. This aspect of his personality actually came in handy during the final battle with the Beast of Gevaudan, when he hid by camouflaging himself against the wall until his help was needed after Lydia turned Sebastien Valet back into Mason.

Though Corey’s nervous and fearful nature makes him easily manipulated by more aggressive individuals such as Theo, who convinced Corey to stay in his pack by threatening to kill him if he didn’t comply, he has proven that he is ultimately dedicated to doing the right thing by turning away from Theo and instead helping Mason and his friends protect the town.

During season 6, Corey is shown to have become braver and more confident like when he tells Liam they can work together to find clues about Ghosts Riders, when he uses his power for looking for the Ghosts Riders or when he convinces Mason to wait to free him from the riders’ radio who “pump” his power, to give Scott more time to stop the Ghost Riders.

Physical Appearance[edit | edit source]

Corey is a lean young man with a very built but slim figure. He has pale white skin with dark blond/light brown hair and hazel eyes. He dresses in the usual style of a typical American teenager, favoring trendy designer jeans, v-neck t-shirts or long-sleeve shirts, and hoodies or jackets paired with boots or sneakers.

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

As a Chimera, Corey is believed to possess the usual superhuman physical powers that are common among the creatures regardless of what supernatural species make up their nature. However, since the two species whose powers Corey possesses remain unknown, it is very likely that Corey has only demonstrated a fraction of his potential powers. Corey’s powers were described as allowing him to exist in both “worlds” that of reality and the Ghost Rider world. The powers he has demonstrated on-screen include:

  • Super Strength: Corey, like all Chimeras, possesses incredibly powerful supernatural strength. He first demonstrated this power when he accidentally broke the combination lock off of his locker, before then going into the weight room with Mason Hewitt, where he was able to easily bench-press over 400 pounds. He has also been shown using his strength to break open the locked door of the Devenford Prep and to briefly restrain Jordan Parrish while his inner Hellhound, Cerberus, was in control.
  • Accelerated Healing: Like all Chimeras, Corey possesses highly accelerated healing that has allowed him to recover from numerous serious injuries. He was first revealed to have this power when he miraculously healed from a serious scorpion sting he sustained from Lucas, which was said to contain an amount of venom equivalent to a ten-feet-tall scorpion and which was so potent it should have killed him. He was also shown to have healed from having his spinal cord in the back of his neck pierced by Scott McCall’s claws so that he could search his memories of being captured by the Dread Doctors, wounds that healed within minutes. The most impressive use of this power was when Corey was engulfed in Hellhound fire when he attempted to attack Jordan Parrish, and his body was covered in serious burns. Though he required assistance from Malia Tate to take enough pain so that his healing ability could start to do its job, he was able to heal from the serious burns within several days. His healing ability also gives him immunity from all human illnesses and conditions and prevents him from becoming intoxicated by drugs or alcohol due to the fact that his body heals the damage from the drugs too quickly.

    • Longevity: Due to his accelerated healing factor, which replaces damaged, dying, and aging cells at a constant rate, it is assumed that, like other shapeshifters such as werewolves and werecoyotes, Corey has an extended lifespan and will retain his youth for decades longer than a normal human.
  • Adaptive Camouflage: Corey’s unique Chimera ability is that of supernatural camouflage, which allows him to blend in with his surroundings by touching his body against them, causing his body (including his clothing) to change colors to adapt to his environment. He typically uses this ability by pressing his back against a surface, such as a wall, a vehicle, or a piece of furniture, causing his skin and clothing to take on the coloring of what he’s touching and making himself imperceptible to the human eye. This power has advanced to the point where he doesn’t have to physically touch a surface to blend into his environment, as he demonstrated in Maid of Gévaudan when he essentially made himself invisible by blending into the air around him. He can also use this power to extend his camouflage/invisibility to another person by touching them, as proven when he put his arm around Mason in order to hide them from a Devenford Prep lacrosse player. This power also seems to enhance Corey’s sight, allowing him to see supernatural phenomena that cannot be perceived by human eyes, such as the Ghost Riders when they are hidden, the reason for this is that the ability essentially allows Corey to exist in different planes of reality.
  • Mountain Ash Immunity: Since Corey was turned into Chimera using science rather than magic or mysticism like true supernaturals, he is not vulnerable to the effects of rowan wood or its incinerated form, mountain ash. As a result, Corey can handle it like any human can, and is able to walk over barriers of it without difficulty, whereas his truly supernatural cohorts would be trapped or prevented from entering an area warded with the ash.

Weaknesses[edit | edit source]

As a Chimera, Corey lacks the serious weaknesses that many supernatural shapeshifters possess, such as wolfsbane or electricity. However, this does not mean he can’t be killed; he came close to death when he was set on fire by the Hellhound, and the only reason he didn’t succumb to his wounds is because Malia Tate took away enough of his pain to kick-start his healing ability, which had been suppressed due to the severity of the pain he was experiencing from his burns.

One mild vulnerability he was shown to have was the fact that this supernatural camouflage ability appeared to not work on the Dread Doctors, who were able to see through it in order to kill him. It’s unknown if this is because they created him and gave him a power that they could control, or if their powers of electromagnokinesis allowed them to see through the effects of his camouflage somehow. He can also still be sensed by supernatural creatures and Chimeras with heightened senses while he is essentially invisible, as proven when Scott McCall was able to figure out that Corey was spying on him on two separate occasions due to catching and tracking his scent. Strangely enough, his boyfriend Mason is able to see where he is when he’s invisible due to refracted light around him, though it is unknown how or why he is able to do this.

Etymology[edit | edit source]

  • Corey: Corey is a variant of the name Cory, which is both a masculine and a feminine English given name with several possible origins. One such origin is from the Old Norse surname Kori, which has an uncertain meaning and which is found in Scandinavia and England. Another origin is as an Irish surname, Ó Comhraidhe, meaning “descendant of Comhraidheh.” In Scots Gaelic, the name Corey is said to mean “ravine, “seething pool,” or “cauldron,” whereas, in Irish Gaelic, it means “hollow.” It is also found in Old English, meaning “chosen,” and could also be derived from the French word for “heart,” coeur.
  • Bryant: Bryant is a surname of Old Breton-Irish origins, which is believed to be derived from the masculine Celtic given name Brian; Brian is a very old name thought to be composed of the Celtic elements bre meaning “hill” or brigh meaning “strong.” This name was borrowed both by the Normans and the Vikings during their conquests. Variations of the name include Bryan, Brian, Breine, Brine, Bryand, Briand, Briant, and Bryane.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Corey is on the Beacon Hills Cyclones lacrosse team, and his jersey number is #1.
  • Corey is one of several LGBT+ characters in the Teen Wolf series, including Jackson , Danny, Ethan, Caitlin, Emily, Mason, and Brett.
  • Corey is a bit of a “club kid,” and goes to Sinema for “All Ages Night” every Friday.
  • Corey has had two love interests in the show so far– Lucas and Mason Hewitt.
  • Corey is one of the characters to get extremely burned on the show, the other one is Peter Hale
  • He is the newest person who joins the McCall Pack.
  • According to Mason, he spent the all summer to training so that he could become the goalie on the lacrosse team and Mason thinks he is really good but in the fact he is pitiful when his boyfriend and Lori watch him.
  • Corey, along with Theo are the only two Chimera’s left
    • Hayden does not count as she was turned into a werewolf.
  • Corey comes from a neglectful and possibly abusive family. Corey revealed in 5×12 that they never realized he was dead. This is assumed to be the reason Corey doesn’t have much self-confidence and always looks down on himself.
  • Corey remains a mysterious character in that both his personal life and full potential of his powers are still unknown. With the show finished, it is unlikely these will ever be revealed.

Gallery[edit | edit source]
